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Linux Journal: Cooking with Linux; Saucy Administration Tools
(Nov 24th, 23:57:40 )

"For those of you using the K Desktop Environment, you may have already noticed a nice little tool called the Personal Time Tracker. You'll find it under the Utilities menu but can also execute it from the command line by simply typing karm. ... ThoughtTracker is an interesting little program in that it lets you create seemingly random lists and cross-link them to other ideas so that you start to create some kind of organization out of those ideas. In some ways, it's a strange little program, but it may be worth a look. Think of it as a kind of brainstorming tool."

"Marco has also created a cool little WindowMaker applet (which I've run from both KDE and WindowMaker) called wmpinboard... This is essentially a very small dock applet that looks like a corkboard. When you click on the ToDo label on the applet, you get colorful little notes that you can fill out and pin to the board. It's cute; it works. It takes up next to nothing in terms of space on your desktop. I must warn you, though, that your notes and reminders must be small as well."

"The first recipe is something called IRM, which stands for Information Resource Manager. Written by Yann Ramin and Keith Schoenefeld, this package uses MySQL as its database. (You will need to be running an Apache web server with PHP4 extensions compiled in.) IRM is many things. First, it allows you to build a database of all the computers in your company or organization, organized in any way you see fit. This can include OS type, memory configuration, network card, IP addresses and more. There is also a separate list for network devices, hubs, cards and switches. Mais oui, you can add others as well. A similar function exists to record the software in your inventory (serial numbers, versions, etc.). You can then update the computer's profile by ``adding'' software so that when you click on that computer, it displays installed programs as well (useful when tracking licenses for that other OS)."

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