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The Apache Software Foundation Brings Open-Source Software Conference to Europe
May 28, 2000, 19 :12 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (155 reads)

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) announced ApacheCon Europe 2000, the first European conference and exhibit for Apache-related and open-source software, will take place at the Olympia Conference Centre in London on 23-25 October, 2000.

Key members of the ASF include recognized leaders and innovators in the Open-Source software community. The ASF, a not-for-profit organization developing and supporting open-source projects worldwide, is the home of several industry-defining initiatives, including the award-winning Apache Server--the most widely used server product on the Internet today--as well as XML-Apache, Jakarta and Java-Apache projects.

ApacheCon Europe 2000 will provide a European focus to enable all those involved in Open-Source software projects to meet many of the Apache developers, get an update on the latest advances and provide input to this exciting debate.

"We are pleased to present ApacheCon Europe 2000 in response to growing European interest in Open-Source software, and ensure that the key players in the European Open-Source community can bring their unique expertise to bear on issues and activities that will play a vital role in the development of computing," said ASF Chairman Roy T. Fielding. "We anticipate ApacheCon Europe 2000 to be the event of the year in Open-Source software in Europe and are currently lining up leading industry keynote speakers."

ApacheCon Europe 2000 follows a highly successful ApacheCon 2000, the first Apache users' conference held in Orlando, Florida, in March, where keynote speakers included Alfred Z. Spector, Senior Technical Strategist for Application Frameworks and former General Manager of Marketing & Strategy for IBM's middleware business, Brian Behlendorf, Founder and CTO of Collab.Net, and President of the ASF, and Patricia Sueltz, President, Software Products and Platforms, Sun Microsystems.

Further details on the conference program, speakers and venue are available at http://apachecon.com/. In addition, event and registration information is available through the ApacheCon mailing list please send a blank email message to: to receive email notifications.

For exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities please contact Jeff Wainhause on: +, extension 11, or by email at .

For press registration, contact Dan Chappell on: +44.1273.675100 or by email at .

ApacheCon Europe 2000 is presented by The Apache Software Foundation and produced by Camelot Communications.

About the Apache Software Foundation

The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational, legal, and financial support for the Apache Open-Source software projects. Formed by members of the Apache Group, the group still exists beyond the participation of individual volunteers, to enable contributions of intellectual property and financial support, and to provide a vehicle for limiting legal exposure while participating in open-source projects. For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see http://www.apache.org/.

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