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PHPBuilder: Open Source Databases: As The Tables Turn
Nov 23, 2000, 12 :41 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1206 reads) (Other stories by Tim Perdue)

"My July Article comparing PostgreSQL and MySQL caused a stir that really surprised me. Of course, users of both databases called the tests rigged one way or the other, even though I noted that both databases had their strong points under various circumstances."

"All that aside, we've been running into some rather grim and serious MySQL problems on SourceForge - most of which are directly related to MySQL's table-level locking mechanism. To give us some breathing room, we've been running a Beta version of MySQL with pretty good success."

"Those problems and other MySQL limitations have caused me to evaluate database alternatives, first Interbase (apparently a dead end), then PostgreSQL...."

"I've worked with Postgres quite a bit in the past and had occasional but serious problems with reliability under some circumstances ( runs on Postgres and had a tendency to melt down every few months, losing some data in its 10GB database). So I began evaluation of Postgres 7.1 with some trepidation. My benchmarks in July showed PG 7.0 to be clearly slower than MySQL and I outlined several limitations that I found annoying. Still, Postgres has dozens of advanced features that MySQL lacks (triggers, foreign keys, rules, subselects, views...) and was well worth investigating."

Complete Story

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IW: AbriaSoft Partners With O'Reilly And Associates To Release Its First Packaged MySQL Distribution(Aug 08, 2000)
PHPBuilder: Database Normalization And Design Techniques(Aug 07, 2000) MySQL Goes GPL [& VA Linux Invests](Jun 28, 2000)
BW: VA Linux Forms Strategic Alliance With MySQL; MySQL Becomes Completely Open Source(Jun 28, 2000)
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