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NEW ORLEANS, La.--December 6, 2000--Red Hat, Inc. (Nasdaq: RHAT), the leader in developing, deploying and managing open source Internet infrastructure, today announced at the LISA System Administrators show an expanding range of e-commerce and services offerings for Apache and the Red Hat Stronghold Secure Web Server, including new support options and training through Red Hat Global Learning Services. Red Hat's new enterprise-class support services provide several levels of guaranteed response times, including 1-hour emergency response and 24x7 support to match the diverse business needs of the global Internet community. Support for Web server installation, troubleshooting, and configuration issues, including SSL, is provided and is available by telephone and on-line. Per-incident telephone support during normal business hours is also available. "Red Hat's recent acquisition of C2Net Software and the Stronghold Secure Web Server product puts us in the position to deliver a single point of contact for an integrated Web server/e-commerce OS," said Bob Cymbalski, vice president of Product Management, Red Hat, Inc. "Combined with the 24x7 Red Hat services and support required for mission-critical systems and applications, Red Hat's Stronghold offerings meet the needs of the most demanding IT environments." Training Courses for ApacheThe new service offerings also include advanced training for Web server systems administration with the Apache and Red Hat Stronghold secure Web servers. This 4-day course adds to Red Hat's already well-established training and certification programs. In this course, students learn skills such as incorporating CGI handlers, SSL security, dynamic content, and customization via modules. Pre-requisites are Red Hat's RH253 or RH300 courses, or equivalent experience administering UNIX or Linux systems.Red Hat Stronghold Secure Web ServerRed Hat Stronghold Secure Web Server is based on the most current, open source Apache technology--the preferred platform for Web serving worldwide, with more than 70 percent of the World Wide Web server market, according to Netcraft. Apache technology delivers the ideal price and performance standard for secure Web server operations, through bulletproof design and enterprise scalability derived from ongoing open source collaboration by the world's leading developers. For more information, please see Source MomentumInternational Data Corp. (IDC) research states that paid Linux shipments grew faster than any other server operating system over the past two years, and their preliminary figures for 1999 show Linux shipments hold 24.6 percent of the server operating system market, up from 15.8 in 1998. IDC also states that Red Hat holds 50.2 percent of Linux vendor market share and that Red Hat Linux is by far the most popular distribution, preferred by 68.7 percent of U.S. Linux users.Research firm Netcraft, Inc. (, states that as of May 2000, 30 percent of all public Web sites run on Linux-based operating systems, making Linux the most popular choice for deploying public Web sites. IDC research shows 40 percent of all spending on Linux servers is for Internet related applications, firmly entrenching Linux servers in the Internet infrastructure. Finally, IDC predicts that by 2002, there will be more than 55 million handheld and notebook-style information appliance devices and that by 2005, shipments of these appliances will exceed shipments of PCs. Red Hat's numerous alliances with industry leaders and the demand for Linux-based applications has created open source support from many of the industry's leading software and hardware manufacturers, including Dell, Compaq, Computer Associates, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, Netscape, Novell, Oracle and SAP. Red Hat, Inc.Red Hat (Nasdaq: RHAT) offers users one single, trusted point of contact and a common platform for developing, deploying and managing open source across Internet infrastructure and devices that connect to the Internet, ranging from small embedded devices to high availability clusters and integrated Web server/e-commerce OSes. And the Red Hat Network, Red Hat's unique management technology, helps companies worldwide easily manage it all by delivering open source products, service, support and information on-line in real-time.In addition to the award-winning Red Hat Linux server operating system, Red Hat offers Stronghold Secure Web Server and Credit Card Verification Software for secure e- commerce and is the principal provider of GNU-based developer tools and support solutions for a wide variety of embedded processors. Red Hat also provides run-time solutions such as Linux, eCos, uClinux, the award-winning RedBoot, custom engineering services, support, and training to organizations in all embedded and Linux markets. Red Hat is headquartered in Research Triangle Park, N.C. and has offices worldwide. Please visit Red Hat on the Web at For investor inquiries, contact Lippert/Heilshorn at (212) 838-3777. Related Stories: |
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