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[ Thanks to for this link. ] PRESS RELEASE -- Servertec announced the availability of a new release of Servertec Internet Server, a small, fast, scalable and easy to administer platform independent application/Web server written entirely in Java. This new version features support for file and database based distributed session persistence and caching; custom, console, file, database and email monitor event handlers; and custom, plain and secure socket handers. The release also includes numerous minor changes, an expanded API, bug fixes and updates to documentation. Servertec Internet Server is a Web server for serving static Web pages and an application server for generating dynamic, data driven Web pages using Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), iScript, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and Server Side Includes (SSI). It is also a feature rich Servlet Engine able to provide Servlet capabilities to any application/Web server supporting Apache modules, AOLServer modules, ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI or Java. Servertec Internet Server Features Platform Independent - Servertec Internet Server is written in Java and will run on any platform that supports Java version 1.1.x or later. Open Standards - Servertec Internet Server supports open standards such as Java, servlets, HTTP, SSL, JSP, JNDI, CGI, SSI, HTML, TCP/IP, RMI, IIOP, CORBA, JDBC and XML. High Performance Web Engine - Servertec Internet Server is built around a high performance multi-threaded Web engine that supports Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 1.1. Full-featured Servlet Container - Servertec Internet Server supports Java Servlet API version 2.2. Servertec Internet Server can also be used as the Servlet Engine for any Application/Web Server supporting Apache modules, AOL Server modules, NSAPI, ISAPI, CGI or Java. Gateways exist for Apache Web server, AOLServer, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft Personal Web Server (PWS), Netscape FastTrack Server and Netscape Enterprise Server. Expandable Architecture - Servertec Internet Server can be easily expanded using servlets, JSP, CGI and iScript. Servlets and JSP can access TCP/IP, RMI, IIOP, JNDI, CORBA, JDBC and XML to create highly scalable n-tier enterprise solutions. Scalable Solution - The Enterprise Edition's clustering and distributed session technologies provide a robust, fault-resistant, scalable solution where a group of servers can seamlessly work together to meet the needs of a large number of clients. Servertec Internet Server leverages Java's multiprocessor support to increase the number of users and requests that a single server can service. Fault Tolerant - Servertec Internet Server provides a robust environment for serving Web pages and for running server side Internet applications. Servertec Internet Server's crash protection and recovery technology automatically traps, recovers from and logs exceptions. Additionally Servertec Internet Server protects the integrity of the server environment by preventing exceptions occurring in one request handler from affecting other requests that the server is processing. The Enterprise Edition integrated failover clustering and distributed session support where a group of servers are used to ensure that even if some of the servers fail, that others take over and make sure that the site continues to be available for client requests. This provides customers with a reliable means of ensuring that the site stays up in the event of a hardware or software failure. Multi-Threaded - Servertec Internet Server simultaneously services multiple client requests, logs access/errors/events and manages sessions and connection pools using a pool of worker threads. Object Oriented - Using Servertec Internet Server developers create object oriented reusable modules, Servlets, that encapsulate business logic and that are used to generate dynamic content and to automate tasks. n-Tier Solution - Servertec Internet Server is an integral part of client/server computing, where a Web browser is responsible for the presentation, a Web server for creation and delivery of content, an application server for the business logic and a Database Server for storage and retrieval of information. Tiny Footprint - Unlike other Web and Application Server that require considerable resources, Servertec Internet Server uses less than 150K of disk space for the base package and under 300K for the works. Data Access - Using Servertec Internet Server developers can use JDBC to create data-driven Web-based applications that have access to a variety of data sources. Keep-Alive / Persistent Connections - Servertec Internet Server keeps connections alive across multiple requests reducing the overhead associated with re-establishing a connection. Servertec Internet Server's keep-alive implementation is resistant to denial of service attacks. It allows clients to remain connected to the server for a specified amount of time and number of requests. Request Pipelining - Servertec Internet Server boosts client performance by allowing clients to send multiple requests to the server without blocking. Virtual Hosts - Servertec Internet Server can be configured to support multiple domains or Web sites mapped to the same server each with their own content space. Secure Server - Servertec Internet Server supports Secure Socket Layer (SSL) versions 2 and 3, Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.0, DSA and RSA keys, Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) MD5 and SHA-1 and RSA, RC4, DES, Triple DES, Diffie-Hellman and DSA Cryptographic Suites. Security Realms - Servertec Internet Server protects resources and defines users, groups, domains, computers, access rights, access control lists (ACL) by realm. Servertec Internet Server includes a file realm that can be used to access realm information in flat files and a database realm that works with any JDBC accessible database. Using Servertec Internet Server's Open API developers can easily create custom realms. Access Control - Servertec Internet Server protects resources from users, domains or computers using Web-based authentication. Servertec Internet Server supports the Basic authentication scheme with BASE64 encoding. Administration - Servertec Internet Server supports Web-based and Command-line administration of a single server or a group of servers from anywhere on the network. Administrators can securely monitor and manage multiple servers remotely using any Web browser and can directly administer servers using simple commands that can be easily integrated into user scripts. Web-based Administrator - Servertec Internet Server's Web-based Administrator can be used to restart, stop and monitor one or more servers and to manage server, virtual hosts, workgroup, session, servlets, servlet contexts, aliases, mime types, locales, country codes, messages, connection pools, realms, resources, users, groups, computers, access rights, access control lists, logger, templates, keystore, certificates, file system and configuration archives. Pricing and Product Availability Corporations and institutions may purchase a site license to Servertec Internet Server that allows them to internally use Servertec Internet Server on an unlimited number of computers without having to pay a per-server basis. A Binary Subscription to Servertec Internet Server is available for $1,500 for the Professional Edition and $3,000 for the Enterprise Edition. A Source Subscription is available for $5,000 for the Professional Edition and $10,000 for the Enterprise Edition. End users can license Servertec Internet Server on a per-server basis for $100 for the Professional Edition and $250 for the Enterprise Edition. Independent Software Vendors (ISV) may purchase a license to Servertec Internet Server that allows them to embed and distribute Servertec Internet Server Royalty Free as an integral part of their end-use applications. A Binary Subscription to Servertec Internet Server is available for $1,500 US for the Professional Edition and $3,000 US for the Enterprise Edition and a Source Subscription is available for $5,000 US for the Professional Edition and $10,000 for the Enterprise Edition. Complete Story Related Stories: |
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