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WebTechniques: Someone Else's Database
Feb 15, 2001, 01 :17 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1193 reads) (Other stories by Brian Jepson)

"It's common for companies to set up their servers and hosting agreements such that they must rely on someone else's choice of a database. If your company is in this position, it's possible you made a trade-off somewhere, perhaps in choosing a less expensive, virtually hosted arrangement instead of colocating a machine. Or, perhaps your business slings code for a number of clients, and each of them uses a different hosting provider. In this case, you may work with a different database server and operating system for each client. Whatever the circumstances, it's a fact that a Web host often controls the choice of the database you use, and your access to it."

"... To get started with one of these database servers, first you must obtain some information from your hosting provider. On Unix-based systems, this information usually consists of a username, a password, and the name of the database to which you want to connect. Note that this is the name of the database as designated by the administrator, not simply the product name. When I use the word "database" as opposed to "database server" in this context, I mean that portion of the database server reserved for your use. Think of it as the database server's equivalent of a home directory. ..."

Complete Story

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