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PR: Great Bridge Partners With Zend Technologies to Offer PostgreSQL-PHP Strategy for Web-Based Business
Mar 26, 2001, 15 :55 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1182 reads)

PRESS RELEASE -- Great Bridge LLC and Zend Technologies have joined forces to more fully integrate the PostgreSQL database and the PHP server-side scripting language, providing Web developers with the most powerful open-source products available for building dynamic, database-driven Web sites. The partnership between Great Bridge, the leading commercial distributor of the PostgreSQL database, and Zend, an internationally established provider of commercial solutions to enhance performance and productivity of PHP's installed base, bundles two scalable, feature-rich applications and offers enterprises a formidable combination for powering their Web-based applications.

Great Bridge provides expert-level professional services and technical support for PostgreSQL, the world's most advanced open-source database. Zend Technologies develops and markets value-added products and services for enterprise users and developers of PHP technology, and is a major contributor to the PHP development effort. More than 2.5 million sites actively support PHP, according to a monthly survey by Internet research firm Netcraft ( Corporations that use PHP include Cisco, AltaVista, Unilever, Maxinvest, AuctionWatch, VillageVoice, BMC, Lufthansa, PC Magazine Germany and Wall Street Online Germany.

The Great Bridge/Zend partnership allows both companies' customers to benefit from a broader range of products and services. Zend's suite of value-added PHP products for developers and enterprise-class Web installations includes the Zend Integrated Development Environment (IDE); the Zend Cache, which dramatically improves site performance and reduces hardware requirements; the Zend Encoder Unlimited, which enables businesses to protect their PHP source code; and customized consulting services. Great Bridge offers its enhanced, quality-tested version of PostgreSQL, as well as engineering-level services for developers and production environments, including developer-to-developer support, consulting services and professional support contracts ranging up to 24x7x365 for mission-critical database applications.

"PHP has made substantial inroads into the enterprise; we've seen this through the demand for Zend products since our successful online launch of the Zend store this past January," says Zend CEO and President Doron Gerstel. "We believe that combining Zend's value-added offerings with Great Bridge's backing of PostgreSQL will provide quality-assured, ready-to-roll solutions that will enable faster development and time to market."

Future releases of the Great Bridge PostgreSQL database will include a fully integrated installation of PHP from Zend Technologies, and other key Web technologies certified by Great Bridge's Quality Assurance Laboratory. Great Bridge and Zend will also strive to increase collaboration between the open source PostgreSQL and PHP development projects, as well as integrate other future product and service offerings.

Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, the co-founders of Zend Technologies, are members of the eight-member PHP steering group. Zend Technologies developed the `kernel' of PHP 4.0, Zend Engine, the component that enables users to understand and execute the code. The company designed the new modular structure of PHP 4.0, which makes it highly stable and extensible, and paved the way for PHP's use as an integral server module in Web servers other than Apache. Among their other major contributions to PHP is the design and implementation of PHP to many of the most popular databases, including PostgreSQL.

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PHP Builder: Getting Started with Postgres on Red Hat 7.0(Mar 18, 2001)
PHPBuilder: Open Source Databases: As The Tables Turn(Nov 23, 2000)
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