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Entercept Security Technologies broadens webserver protection to include Apache
Apr 10, 2001, 02 :58 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (514 reads)

Entercept Security Technologies, developer of essential sever-level security technology necessary for system, application and data protection, today announced it is broadening its award-winning Web server protection to include specific protection for the Apache Web Server running on Solaris.

The new Entercept Web Server Edition for Apache protects Web servers from Web site defacement, data theft and misuse. Entercept preserves server uptime by identifying attacks and preventing access to the Apache Web Server resources before unauthorized transactions occur.

Building on the capabilities of Entercept 2.0, the Web Server Edition proactively protects the host by evaluating request to the Web server and the operating system before they are processed. Entercept Web Server Edition offers multiple layers of security, ensuring it is not dependent on just one technology for its protection. This multi-layered approach provides an unparalleled depth of security against known and unknown attacks directed at the Web server, its resources and applications.

The new Entercept Web server protection for Apache builds upon the operating system level protection offered in the standard edition by providing exclusive "shielding" functionality and HTTP protection technology that further safeguards the Apache Web server from intrusion. Shielding is designed to protect the Apache Web server and its resources, including data. The shield provides a protective envelope for Apache that prevents unauthorized and/or malicious use of the Web server. The result is proven prevention of both known and unknown attacks targeted specifically against Web servers, application or files.

Entercept provides HTTP protection against attacks directed against the Apache Web server. A parsing process that checks the HTTP stream and identifies if it's malicious communication, can then take preventative action to block such attacks. Full application protection is achieved in conjunction with other Entercept defense methodologies, including operating system, resource protection and shielding. In addition to Apache, Entercept also protects Microsoft IIS Web Server.

Entercept's new Web Server Edition for Apache provides essential protection beyond the firewall. It provides proactive real-time analysis and reaction to hacking attempts, preventing systems from being compromised from both known and unknown attacks. Straightforward and quickly understood, Entercept's ease of deployment makes it simple to implement server security measures, eliminating the tedious and complex tasks associated with Web server security. Entercept protects organizations from embarrassing Web site defacements, data theft and misuse. In addition to Solaris, Entercept also protects Windows NT and Windows 2000 platforms.

"Firewalls and encryption are only partial solutions to protecting the Web server," said Entercept's senior vice president Robin Matlock. "Securing Web sites, corporate assets and customer data requires dedicated server security. Our new Web server protection for Apache incorporates our award-winning shielding and HTTP technologies that prevent attacks threatening e-servers." Earlier last year, Entercept introduced its 2.0 Web Server Edition, which was recently named by InfoWorld Magazine as one of the top ten technologies of the year 2000.

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