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Chromium announces speed enhancement for Apache web servers
Apr 11, 2001, 16 :48 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (917 reads)

Kirkland, WA, April 9, 2001 ^Ö Chromium Communications, developers of high-performance communications software, has announced ChromeLinux/WebServer a highly optimized version of the Apache 1.3 Web Server. ChromeLinux/Web Server is an Apache Web server built on top of the Linux platform. ChromeLinux/Web Server offers increased speeds up to 3 times faster* than the standard Apache server while remaining strictly compatible. ChromeLinux/Web Server offers dramatically increased performance with the reliability webmasters have come to expect from Apache. It offers this all at a fraction of the cost of other commercially available, Linux-based Web servers.

ChromeLinux/Web Server produces superior web page server performance, as independently verified by a major California computer vendor with the industry standard SPECweb(tm)99 benchmark. Running on identical hardware, ChromeLinux/Web Server supported 1375 simultaneous connections compared to the 560 supported by an identically configured vanilla version of Apache 1.3. The details of these results are being submitted to SPEC (Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation) by the hardware vendor and should be posted to the SPEC web site during April. (For more details on the Test Server Hardware Configuration Visit

Webmasters around the world already know how to configure, manage and deploy Apache-based Web servers, the most frequently used Web server on the Internet. ChromeLinux/Web Server allows webmasters to leverage their existing knowledge, experience, and content while achieving significantly better results from their hardware investment. ChromeLinux/Web Server is Apache on speed.

"Our customers will be able to significantly increase their Web serving capacity," said Eric Engstrom, CEO at Chromium Communications. "This will allow companies to improve the marginal cost of a page serve while providing higher availability and a better customer experience from their existing Apache-based Web content."


ChromeLinux/WebServer is available now and introductory price is set at $295/per server license. Licenses can be purchased online at For evaluations please contact

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