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Linux.com: Installing Apache 1.3.19 with mySQL + PHP4 + FrontPage 2000
Apr 16, 2001, 19 :02 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (1608 reads) (Other stories by Dallas Engelken)

"This article will take you through, step by step, an Apache 1.3.19 install with support for mySQL, PHP4, FrontPage 2000, and virtual hosting with all these features. It has been tested on stock Redhat 7.0, and Mandrake 7.2, so it should work on any flavor of Linux you want. Would also work on any other form of *NIX but you will have to download different packages for the install."

"... Adding FrontPage support to virtual webs is the same process covered in adding them to the Root Web. The only difference is you provide a multi-hosting name when running fpsrvadm.exe instead of just hiting enter. The multi-hosting name that you enter will be the ServerName defined in the ".

Complete Story

Related Stories:
LinuxWorld: Setting up a Linux Web server, Part 2(Apr 13, 2001)
LinuxNewbie: Setting up Apache with mySQL, Frontpage 2000 Extensions, and PHP NHF(Apr 13, 2001)
FreeBSDzine: Virtual Servers Behind Cable/DSL(Apr 12, 2001)
LinuxWorld: Setting up a Linux Web server(Apr 02, 2001)
LinuxJournal: Installing and Configuring Apache, PHP and MySQL(Jan 16, 2001)
Getting Started with Apache 1.3(Jun 01, 2000)

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Apache Week issue 250 (8th June 2001) is out

 Talkback(s) Name  Date
FP extensions is the biggest backdoor for Microsoft. Why would people pollute th ...   Frontpage is a backdoor   
  Apr 23, 2001, 08:21:12
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