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Version 1.7.9 of the MySQL++ API released
May 23, 2001, 15 :06 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1657 reads) |
A new version of MySQL++, version 1.7.9, is now available from the www.mysql.com site. It is mainly a bug-fix release.
Mysql++ is a complex C++ API for MySQL and soon other SQL databases. The goal of this API is too make working with queries as easy as working with other STL containers. MySQL++ contains many generic classes that can be used with other programs.
The 1.7.9 changes include:
- Fixed a serious bug in Connection constructor when reading MySQL options;
- Improved copy constructor and some other methods in Result / ResUse;
- Many other minor improvements;
- Produced a complete manual with chapter 5 included;
- Updated documentation, including a Postscript format;
The MySQL++ API webpage is at http://www.mysql.com/downloads/api-mysql++.html.
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