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Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 package announced
Jul 9, 2001, 18 :23 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (6351 reads)

PRESS RELEASE -- Great Bridge today announced the launch of Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1, the latest version of the world's most advanced open source database. Great Bridge has packaged the release with a graphical installer, leading database administration tools, professional documentation and an installation and configuration support package to help application developers quickly and easily deploy the power of PostgreSQL in advanced database-driven applications.

This offering appeals to enterprise users seeking a powerful, full-featured alternative to the costly licensing fees and poor technical support that accompany proprietary database software. Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 is a feature-rich, object-relational database that delivers the functionality required for advanced database-driven applications. Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 offers strong enhancements and additions such as Great Bridge's graphical installer, technical documentation including installation, user and reference guides, advanced administration tools, 30 days installation
and configuration support, and one year of software updates. Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 platform support includes Linux (shipping 7/16/2001) and Sun Solaris (shipping 8/6/2001).

"Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 offers the cross-platform scalability, reliability and performance required for today's enterprise computing," said Robert Gilbert, Great Bridge's president and chief executive officer. "And Great Bridge's support and service offerings provide the expertise and accountability that application developers need to confidently deploy this powerful open source database."

For application programmers and developers, Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1's key features include:

  • industry-standard compliance, including core ANSI SQL 92 support and ODBC and JDBC APIs for broad application integration and compatibility;
  •  robust transaction support (ACID compliance);
  • embedded C and multiple programming language support, including C/C++, PHP, Perl, Tcl/Tk;
  • advanced locking capabilities, including better-than-row-level-locking to ensure that database writers never block readers;
  • online backup and rollback for availability and recovery
  • extensibility, with object-oriented support for user-defined data types and non-atomic data structures.

Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 delivers the following new features and enhancements from its previous release:

  • write-ahead logging, which enables automatic recovery of databases following a system crash;
  • unlimited row size, which allows rows of any length to be stored with good performance;
  • outer joins, with full compliance with SQL 92 outer join syntax;
  • new function manager;
  • support for dynamic SQL, which will improve the process of porting from other database packages that contain dynamic query execution capabilities; 
  • support for complex queries and a variety of new and modified utilities
    and functions.

Pricing and availability
The 30-day installation and configuration support package for Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 is priced at $495 and includes the software, documentation and a year of software updates. The package is available for pre-ordering immediately. General availability for Great Bridge PostgreSQL 7.1 begins Monday, July 16. Great Bridge offers additional support and services, including 24x7 production support, hands-on implementation and development consulting, and comprehensive training programs.

Complete Story

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